The material is always right.Jens Drescher
The material is always right.Jens Drescher
A ver special material
In my abstract painting, I experiment with pure natural pigments, i.e. with plant and spice colors, rock flours, gemstones such as lapis lazuli or precious metals, most of which I produce myself.
The abstract paintings thus not only have an effect on an emotional and rational level, but in combination with composition and color also on a physical-somatic level through the materials, which are present in tiny traces in our bodies and touch us deeply on a cellular level. In this way, they communicate intensively with the viewer as “active images” and become companions that constantly enter into conversation with us in different phases of life and accompany us like a good friend, a trusted friend and a reliable therapist.
There is always something intangible that drives me.Camille Claudel
There is always something intangible that drives me.Camille Claudel
In addition to the portrait, mostly drawing or watercolor, as an art form that gives the portrayed a “look” in a completely different and idiosyncratic way, I also work sculpturally, mostly in clay.
My work is particularly concerned with the theme of the female body and its often invisible injuries in an environment that is often connoted as male, especially in public spaces.
It is important to me to make the perception and sensation from the female perspective visible and tangible.

Digital Art
Digital Art
Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.Banksy
Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.Banksy
My digital art installations are related to the political and socially critical murals of Latin America and Europe in the 1970s and have been transformed by me into the 21st century.
This art form is very flexible, light, can “fly” from place to place like a bird and can settle anywhere – on paved courtyards and squares, on church walls and house walls, in interiors, stairwells and corridors, etc. It therefore appears in the midst of life, in people’s everyday lives, speaks to them. So it shows itself in the midst of life, in people’s everyday lives, speaks to them, lets them “stumble”, so to speak, and put down their shopping bags or laptop cases:
We allow ourselves to be fascinated by something new, something different, and to be pulled out of our stuck everyday routines. A moment of surprised pause, reflection…. Or the digital mural appears in places of peace and meditation, of retreat and shared contemplation, supporting and enlivening them.
First we shape our rooms, then they shape us.Winston Churchill
First we shape our rooms, then they shape us.Winston Churchill
Chuchill’s well-known phrase shows how much the space in which we live and work influences our consciousness, feelings and thoughts, energy and concentration, but also well-being, peace and harmony – and how important its design should be to us.
By creating atmospheres, rooms interact with us on the levels of body, mind and soul. Interiors, whether living or working spaces, should therefore be designed carefully and according to aesthetic principles that correspond to the human experience:
Challenging and energizing as well as calming, harmonizing; human interaction and communication should be enabled and encouraged.
This is where my pictures and room designs aim to be partners in the opening and design of spaces in which people live and work.
In today’s conceptions of the spatial dimension (spacial turn), space is seen as a partner in human development, as a medium for living, doing, working, conceiving or communicating with the people who enter into a relationship with the respective space.
Portrait & Drawing
Portrait & Drawing
Art is a mediator of the inexpressible.J. W. Goethe
Art is a mediator of the inexpressible.J. W. Goethe
The portrait is an intimate approach to the human face and gives the person a “reputation”. In this way, the painted or drawn portrait makes human dignity and beauty manifest eye to eye.
The work of art is an imaginary island surrounded by reality.José Ortega Y Gasset
The work of art is an imaginary island surrounded by reality.José Ortega Y Gasset
Illustrating also means: combining literature and painting/graphics and allowing them to be combined to create something new and different.